Masterpiece of

tres doux

There are many variations of passages of Lorem
Ipsum available, but the majority.

Temptation Gift Box


After much demand to return these beautiful drawer boxes, this crowd pleaser comes with some very exclusive delights available only online.


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After much demand to return these beautiful drawer boxes, this crowd pleaser comes with some very exclusive delights available only online.


Zillioaires with Fudge

Gold and bronze sugar tops this fudge and butterscotch barfi with a layer of milk chocolate. 

Chocolate Peda

Milk Chocolate Peda with a hint of cherry, a unique barfi flavour but a popular western concucsion.


A classic Vanilla  and chocolate layered favourite, with gold cocoa dust for extra chocolate measure

Coconut and White chocolate Peda

A White chocolate peda with a marshmallow fragrance, covered in slightly toasted coconut, white chocolate and gold glitter.

Please note: The image is an indication only. There maybe times due to unforeseen circumstances where we may have to change the selection slightly for a similar item from our Signature Range due to product not being available.

Please note we work in a nut environment, all products may contain traces of nuts and other allergens. If further clarification is needed email


Ingredients: Full cream MILK powder, Sugar, Fresh Milk, Butter Ghee (Milk), vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed SOYA),  coconut, Flavour and colours in accepted quantities

Colours may include :E102, E122, E129, E133 and E155
E numbers may have an adverse effect on children

For allergens see ingredients in bold.

All our products may contain traces of nuts and other allergens.

Allergens given are indicative only.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg